Is Parin Beton a new product?

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete has been used in most European countries for more than 80 years as well as in the Far and Middle East for the past 40 years and in Australia and South America for over 20 years. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete has been manufactured and used in United States since 90's. Structures built over 75 years ago are still standing today and continue to perform well and require little maintenance.

Despite of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete being produced in Iran for past 20 years, demands for such products have not been great. This is partly due poor quality of the product produced that are not meeting the applicable standards. Additionally existence of abundant cheap energy had greatly influenced the lack of demand. However, with removal of subsidies and enforcement of building regulation the need for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete product has risen and encouraged by authorities throughout the country.

How has AAC been used ?

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete has been used widely throughout the world in Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants, Retail and Warehouses, Industrial buildings, Offices, Educational Buildings, Medical Centres, Family Homes and Multi-Storey Residential Buildings.

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete product has been used as special application such as fire walls and sound walls.

Why Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a good thermal insulator?

Building design and material properties influence thermal performance and energy consumption for residential and commercial buildings. AAC wall, floor and roof systems provide an innovative combination of excellent thermal conductivity, thermal mass and low air-infiltration. This practical combination of properties in one system provides an excellent thermal insulation material and permits peak energy usage in the building to be shifted to off-peak hours, thus reducing operation cost for building users and owners, improving comfort of living and reducing the demand on power generation facilities.

Thermal Conductivity is a measure of material conductivity as tested in a laboratory procedure that measures the heat flow through building material under steady and constant climate conditions.

Why a vapor barrier is not required in the exterior wall assembly of Parin Wall?

The enclosed cellular structure of Parin Block along with the exterior finishes provides the healthy balance between resistance to moisture penetration and vapor diffusion. This balance maintains a dry system, prevents moisture condensation and allows vapor diffusion when and if any presence of vapor occurs within the wall system.

How and why Parin products are considered as Green Building Component?

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is made of naturally occurring material that are found in abundance (lime, sand, water and aerating agent). Furthermore the production of AAC demands relatively small amount of raw material per m3 of product up to a fifth of other traditional building material. Its high resource efficiency results into a low environmental impact in all phases of its life cycle.

During the production no raw material are wasted and all production off cuts are fed back into the production circuit. The manufacture of AAC require less energy that all other masonry products, thereby reducing use of fuels and associated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Industrial water is used and neither water nor steams are released into the environment. Not toxic gases are created in the production process.

Throughout the life cycle of AAC, potential waste is reused or recycled wherever possible to minimise final disposal in landfill. Where AAC waste is sent to landfill, its environment impact is minor since it contains no toxic substances.

How plumbing and electrical lines are installed in AAC walls?

Cut Vertical channels for utilities by routing or saw to width not to exceed 15 cm. Do not channel directly under point loads.

For Horizontal channels cut channels no deeper than 1/3 of wall thickness. For both cases we recommend using foams or Parin repair mortar for covering the channel.